HBU-UCLan School of Media,
Communication and Creative Industries
Home > Faculty > David Tilley
David Tilley

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NAME: David Tilley

HBU-UCLan Department: Foundation Year - English as a Foreign Language

HBU-UCLan Position: Lecturer

Professional title:


Main achievements:

David is an experienced teacher of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and higher education professional. As well as his current role at HBU-UCLan, David has taught internationally in a variety of educational and private sector settings including, Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education (South Korea), Abu Dhabi Vocational Education and Training Institute (UAE) and Emirates Airlines (UAE).


David has a BA in International relations and Asia Pacific Studies from the University of Leads and two post graduate Masters in Applied Linguistics and TESOL from the University of Leicester and  Masters in Military History from University of Birmingham (UK). David is an IELTS certified examiner and a Senior Fellow of the HEA (UK).


David is active in creating online support content for academic student support.